A proactive campaign idea for Wakker Dier, based on a JongHonden brief. The objective was to create a bold campaign that enlightens people about how supermarkets actively obstruct the reduction of meat consumption in the Netherlands for their own gain, and encourage supermarkets to stop shamelessly pushing meat and instead actively contribute to promoting a more plant-based diet,
INSIGHT: Most of us want to eat less meat – but supermarkets are buying our complicity in meat overproduction and consumption by blinding us with bonuses, and silencing the suffering of animals with discount stickers. As long as consumers don’t see that supermarkets determine what ends up on our plates, meat consumption will remain high.
IDEA: Instead of associating Bonus stickers with a great deal, we want to trigger customers into seeing a Bonus sticker for what it is: a way for supermarkets to buy our silence. By saying NO to #bonusblindness, consumers can say YES to more mindful meat consumption.
EXECUTION: ‘Silenced by stickers’ / ‘Blinded by bonuses’ - an OOH campaign targeted on rolling lightboxes near supermarkets which visually articulates how discount deals are preventing consumers from seeing the suffering behind meat production.
ACTIVATION: The anti-BONUS card. Cheap meat isn’t a Bonus when that meat comes with a side of suffering, climate catastrophe, and harm to health. We’ll distribute ‘anti-BONUS’ cards outside of AH stores, with a QR code instead of a barcode, which links to the Wakker Dier website with information about the campaign. Designed to look like authentic Bonus cards, these will be small reminders for people to keep on their keys, so when they reach the till, they remember the true cost of meat consumption.
Creative: Kizzy Memami and Rebecca Took